Girls Hypnotized

  • Amanda Goes Deep

    Amanda has just gone on a first date with a big underachiever. She tries to let him down nicely, but he won't take "no" for an answer.

  • Tiffani Brainwashed

    A man hypnotizes and brainwashes his friend's wife when he knows he's out of town on business. The woman is so deeply hypnotized that yellow and black circles can be seen pulsing in her eyes.

  • Crystal Hypnotized

    Crystal's new boyfriend, whom she's only been seeing for 4 months, has a problem with her going out with her girlfriends and partying all of the time.

  • Lily and Kiara Robotized

    Lily's brother has been designing a mind control helmet, and he plans to test it on their friend Kiara...

  • Koa Goes Deep

    Koa does not believe in hypnosis, and belittles her boyfriend for taking an interest in learning how to hypnotize people.

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